Health & Safety Environment

Health & Safety Environment

mtc is committed to continual improvement in the standards of hse in all operation and activities,including those of its client’s sub –contractors and suppliers.The company has achieved this objective by establishing its own hse mnagment system,policiesand procedures and by Identifying reasonable, Obtainable and Measurable Hse objectives and ensuringthat all employees are aware of mtc ‘s commitment to these objectives. Developing an hse program/plan that identifies who are responsible for delivering the hseobjectives.
implementing and improving safe working practices and methods, conducting periodic audits and management reviews, encouraging employee’s participation and effective communication and pursing careful selection and training of personnel at all levels to ensure that they instructor carry out work in a safe manner. Recording, monitoring and analyzing recurrence and eliminate or control all hazards. Monitoring the use of hazardous materials and their use where possible, utilizing safer alternatives so as to ensurethe minimum impact on people and the environment.Complying with the Qatar laws and legislation, codes of practice and the hse international standards. Cooperating with clients to achieve performance improvements throughout all of the company’ is also worth mentioning that mtc has been continuously recognized by its clients for high safety standards and has obtained many awards for excellent performance.